What We Do
Learning the roots of violent extremism concepts through exchange and knowledge generation is the building block of all the PVE initiatives. Without having a sound understanding of violent extremism and local context, all the initiatives taken will go in vain. To do so, we frequently arranged meetings with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to share and gather knowledge and understand local contexts. We also share and gather knowledge by arranging inter-country meetings, trying to adopt best practices, and understanding cross border and local context of that country. These dialogues help us get insight into the degree of knowledge and develop PVE initiatives for the betterment of society.
Capacitating means building capacity. Different training programs have been organized and conducted to capacitated Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) relating to PVE Issues. This training helps them interact with the local community and deal with violent extremism issues more efficiently, understanding the local context. Following training programs have been in our working plan. We of them have successfully conducted so far.
After getting a sound understanding of violent extremism issues and technical knowhow to deal with the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) started engaging with the local community to disseminate knowledge to the stakeholders, reducing the inter-generation gap, raising awareness against any violent extremist actions, planning PVE initiatives to deal with violent extremism issues, engaging and generating awareness among youths, preventing misinterpretation of religious issues, countering hate speech and posts on social media that may create chaos, dealing with gender discrimination issues that lead to violence, interacting with law enforcement agency to share and gather knowledge more on violent extremism issues.
Enabling Environment
Youth plays a vital role in transforming society. As they are the change-maker, the delicate focus has made them aware of PVE initiatives and other age groups. By enabling them, other indirect beneficiaries will be produced who will get the knowledge about PVE, and also they will exchange their views with others in the society. We believe that they will create an alternative positive vibe that will leave a footprint for the betterment of the community.